Dhanwantri Omegarich Capsules


Dhanwantri Omegarich Capsules

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Dhanwantri Omegarich Capsules
Hemp Seed Oil is considered to be the most nutritional of all oils available. It has a plethora of medicinal, nutritional, and cosmetic uses, making it a wonderful multi-purpose ingredient.
Hemp Seed Oil has a history of use for its medicinal and nutritional properties dating back as far as 4000 B.C. in China and has long been a popular natural remedy in Eastern cultures. Hemp Seed Oil provides the body with complete protein, nutrition, and with all the essential amino acids necessary for health and wellness.Perhaps the most valued property of Hemp Seed Oil is its percentage of Essential Fatty Acids, which is higher than any other plant in the world.
The people become aware of its many benefits.
Dhanwantari’s Omega Rich is pure Hemp seed oil..The Royale Product….Rich in contents of Omega Fatty Acids . Hemp seed is so called the ‘complete food’ for human beings, gifted by nature. Hemp seed is a miraculous oil seed, as because the ratio of its contents is quite identical with the natural elemental requirements of human body. It is a perfect nature’s gift.
Contents & benefits of Hemp Seed Oil
1. Hemp seed is number 1 amongst all the oil seeds as it contains 80% Essential Fatty Acids. It also contains all 20 Amino Acids including 9 essential amino acid &Vitamin E which is in easily digestible form.
The ratio of Omega 6 & Omega 3 is 3:1 in hemp seed oil which is exactly similar to the requirements in treating different heart diseases & different skin diseases like Psoriasis, Ring worm diseases, Pimples etc.
Hemp seed oil is easily absorbed & acts as lubricant in different layers of skin as it is identical with the natural oil (fat) which is present in our skin.
Hemp seed contains Vitamin D which is helpful for calcium absorption.
It is more beneficial in vegeterians.
2. EFA are essential in growing children for development of brain &cerebral membranes.
EFA promotes Feeling of Calmness & Speed of Thinking Process.EFA burns unwanted fats & controls body weight.
In Tuberculosis, nutritional balance is completely disturbed. Hemp seed oil is the perfect treatment.It is effective in treatments of heart diseases, HIV, Cancer, Hypertension, Increased Cholesterol, Opthalmic disorders etc.It is a rich source of essential body suppliments & effectively improves energy level & strength. Provides strength to nails & hairs. Softens the hair texture.
3. It is a good source of Gamma Lenolenic Acid & is a good alternative for fish oil.It is helpful for females in Pre menstrual disorders.It contains natural chlorophylls (natural green colour) & acts as natural health booster.Hemp seed oil is Unique because of its anti inflammatory property. Useful for Joint pain treatments.
4. It is Natural Anti oxidant.Contains Omega 9 which maintains moisture in the skin & provides health to the skin. It is non sticky.Potasium & Calcium contents provide skin health.It detoxifies the skin naturally & maintains skin tone.It is Natural sun screen. Protects our skin from sunburns.Hemp seed oil (Omega Rich) shows excellent results on skin while used in combination with face scrub.It is Natural Face scrub.



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